Toglo gwelededd dewislen symudol

Gweithredu ar yr hinsawdd - addysg

Yng Nghymru mae gennym gwricwlwm newydd - Dyfodol Llwyddiannus, y mae ei bedwar prif ddiben yn ffurfio'r fframwaith sy'n sail i'r holl ddysgu ac addysgu yng Nghymru.

Y rhain yw:

  • dysgwyr uchelgeisiol, galluog sy'n barod i ddysgu drwy gydol eu hoes
  • dinasyddion egwyddorol, gwybodus sy'n barod i fod yn ddinasyddion i Gymru a'r byd
  • cyfranwyr mentrus, creadigol sy'n barod i chwarae eu rhan yn llawn yn eu bywyd a'u gwaith
  • unigolion iach, hyderus sy'n barod i fyw bywyd gan wireddu eu dyheadau fel aelodau gwerthfawr o gymdeithas

Gwnaeth yr ysgolion yn Abertawe ymuno â'r cynllun Eco Ysgolion yn gynnar, ac maent wedi parhau gyda'r diddordeb hwn. Bydd y cwricwlwm newydd yn galluogi ysgolion Abertawe i barhau i ddatblygu eu diddordeb mewn materion amgylcheddol.

Energy Sparks

Elusen gofrestredig yw Energy Sparks, sy'n darparu offeryn dadansoddi ynni ar-lein a rhaglen addysg ynni a ddyluniwyd yn benodol i helpu ysgolion i leihau eu defnydd o drydan a nwy, drwy ddadansoddi data mesurydd deallus. Mae Energy Sparks yn helpu disgyblion a'r gymuned ysgol ehangach i leihau allyriadau carbon eu hysgol a gwneud cyfraniad go iawn o ran mynd i'r afael â'r 'argyfwng hinsawdd'.

Mae Energy Sparks yn gweithio gyda 220 o ysgolion ar draws 16 o awdurdodau lleol ar hyn o bryd, gan gynnwys 30 o ysgolion yn ardal Cyngor Abertawe.

School meal prices frozen for another year

The price of school meals has been frozen in Swansea for another year to help parents and carers with the cost of living crisis.

Free event to celebrate National Playday

Swansea will be celebrating National Playday with a fun free event with lots going on for children and young people to enjoy.

Nature area for outdoor learning - Bishopston Primary School

In March 2021 Bishopston Primary School received £4,955 from Swansea RDP Local Area Group to develop a nature area for outdoor learning, which could be used every day as a study area for the children.

Pupils create murals for Kingsway development site

Bouygues UK has welcomed a group of pupils from Pentrehafod School to the 71/72 Kingsway site in Swansea city centre.

Minister opens £11.5m new home for school

An £11.5m new home for a Welsh medium school is now providing fantastic opportunities for more than 500 pupils.

No pupil has to go without period products

Schools in Swansea have been provided with free period products so that no pupil should go without.

Pupils and staff to start new year in new home

Pupils and staff at a thriving primary school are starting the new year in a new £9.9m home.

Construction tips for pupils at Copr Bay visit

Pupils from Swansea's Pentrehafod Comprehensive School have visited the city's Copr Bay phase one development to see progress on site with their own eyes.

More than 500 pupils to move in to new school next week

More than 500 pupils are getting ready to move to a new home when they return to school next week after the half-term break.

Pupils create lasting legacy ahead of move to new school

Pupils counting down the weeks until they can move into their new school building have created a lasting legacy to let children in the future know what school life is like today.

Drive to support students to recycle in Swansea gets underway

Extra support is being provided to new and returning students in Swansea to help them manage their household waste.

Pupils gain insight into construction at £9.9m new school

Comprehensive school pupils have been given an insight into the construction industry thanks to contractors working on a £9.9m new home for a Welsh medium primary school in Swansea.
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